
Day 2: Silence

 Dear Chaitra, I wonder, will you ever read these letters? Will they even reach you? I left one in a copy of a book at the library. One I remember seeing you read years ago. It was a book of poetry. You said the eloquence of the prose gave you life and I had never wanted to memorize a poem before that moment. After that I consumed poetry like it was literally keeping me alive.  You know what Chaitra? In a way it was. There were pieces of time when I read and felt, just briefly, like I understood you a little better. As though if I read enough I could hold that bit of you close.  It still feels that way... The silence is the hardest part.  I used to love music... It's just... Poetry slams, rap battles, a good song that gets lodged in your subconscious and comes out as a whistle or a hum. The way it takes you right back to the moment you first heard it. My mom used to say that music was powerful. People who didn't remember who they were could remember and sing along to songs they

Day 1: Speech

 Dear Chaitra, Yesterday was your birthday. I should have written it down but I didn't think to. It is strange to think I haven't seen you in more than a month. It is strange to think I haven't spoken at all in more than a month... I just... never know what to say... and why speak if only to myself? I forget sometimes that I haven't said anything until I try to speak... and nothing comes out... and I remember.  I remember you. The way you laugh and sing. The way you always look like you're blushing. Your smile could light up a whole city for days, I'm sure it still does.  Do you remember? The day you stole that flower and gave it to me? I kept it for months... and smiled every time I saw it. I don't know what happened to it, just... one day it was there and the next? Gone. Like me I suppose. Here and then gone without a trace.